About Me
Hi! My name’s Noom. I’m a full-stack developer. I mainly make websites and some DevOps. I co-created Eventpop, an end-to-end platform for events & activities. I’m eager to learn everything.
I like to code in Ruby, Elixir, Javascript. I build with TDD methodology in mind.
Switch code & test files quickly
My first VSCode extension. Since I use TDD on many projects (including this one.) I have to switch between code & test a lot. This extension adds shortcut keys to make file switching way faster.
macOS setup script for development (dotfiles and apps)
I love command lines! I continuously improving my development environment, so I wrote scripts with Zsh & Ansible to setup Dotfiles with essential apps on my Macbook & personal Hackintosh.
A ruby gem to convert any number to Thai Baht string.
End-to-end platform for events and activities
Ruby on Rails React.js DevOps Docker Kubernetes PostgreSQL AWS GCP
Maker workshops eg. 3d-modeling 3d-printing Arduino IoT.
Renovation of Smart Lockers System, using Node.js React.js Ubuntu Linux Arduino.
Developed several Facebook web apps with CodeIgniter, using Facebook API, learned about Ruby on Rails and switched since. Made some iOS apps from PhoneGap & RubyMotion.
Developed a small part of website using Java with Spring MVC Framework built with Apache Maven. Learned TDD practice & making early startup product.
Chulalongkorn University
B.Eng. Computer Engineering
2007 - 2010
GPA - 3.45
Favorite classes - Computer Programming 101, System Analysis Design, Digital Computer Logic, Programming Languages Principles
Final Year Project - CPMagicHand – Computer commands from hand movement via webcam.
Developed application using Java and Processing with OpenCV library. Won 3rd price from NECTEC’s National Software Contest 2011 (NSC), science and technology related software division.
- Typing : 90+ wpm (Colemak layout)
- Games : Music games, FPS, MOBA, Puzzle
- Music : EDM, Rock, Japanese